Huawei yoy 2.3b us – Marginal loss but still growing


The business report for the first three quarters of 2022 has been made public by Huawei, and it can be seen that the overall revenue of 2022 is a little bit lower than the total revenue of the previous year.

It has been published that, Huawei made a revenue of CNY445,8 billion during this period compared to the revenue that it produced during the previous year, which was CNY455,8 billion.

However the primary line of business for Huawei has a profit margin of 6.1% which is a good sign for the future projects and it will grow more in the upcoming few years and boost the company overall revenue.

If we look at both years’ financial records for the company, we can see that there was a discrepancy of $2.3 billion in US dollars. As a result, Huawei has generated 2.3 billion dollars less in revenue than it did in 2021, but the company as a whole made a profit since it reduced the number of services it offered and concentrated on developing its infrastructure.

Eric Xu, who is the Chairman of Huawei, remarked that the company’s overall performance was in line with predictions. “Our ICT infrastructure business has maintained stable growth, in contrast to our gadget sector, which has continued to endure a slowing slowdown. To ensure that our goods remain among the most competitive on the market, we want to keep investing in research and development while also seeking for the most talented employees. We shall carry on with the practise of producing value for both our customers and society.”

Guys, that wraps up the Huawei yoy 2.3b us report. What are your thoughts on this revenue matter?

We would appreciate it if you could provide us with your input in the space designated for that purpose, and please make sure that others are aware of the revenue prediction for Huawei’s third quarter of 2022.