Home Router What happens when a router receives a packet with a ttl of...

What happens when a router receives a packet with a ttl of 0


Are you curious to know what happens when a router receives a packet with a ttl of 0? Well if you don’t know then we would reveal this answer shorty. So, stay tuned with us and let other know about this!

Quick Answer: When a router receives a packet with a ttl of 0, it will immediately drop the packet and send an ICMP time exceeded message back to the source.

This is because the ttl value of 0 indicates that the packet has already expired and should not be forwarded any further.

what happens when a router receives a packet with a ttl of 0

If a router were to forward a packet with a ttl of 0, it would risk creating a routing loop where the packet would keep getting sent back and forth between two or more routers without ever reaching its destination.

By sending an ICMP time exceeded message, the router can inform the source of the problem and prevent the packet from causing any further damage.

I hope now you aware about what happens when a router receives a packet with a ttl of 0. So now if someone asks, you can guide him properly. Till then keep exploring our blog and don’t forget to share it with others!

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