Home Social Facebook Bulletin Theverge

Facebook Bulletin Theverge


Facebook Bulletin Theverge news is about the announcement of bulletin. It is a new tool for journalists to send out newsletters and allow people to either pay or do it as a free version. This is going to live outside of Facebook, so you’ll have to go bulletin.com to sign up and pay outside of Facebook.

This allows them to circumvent any potential fees if they go through the app store. These journalists will be eligible to share their articles through Facebook news.

So they are starting with a small group of journalists including malcolm blackwell, jay wells as well as some other folks like janet yellen who is an informal and well know cnn journalist.

So they will start with a selected group and expanding from there!!

Facebook Bulletin Theverge

This really shows Facebook is making more moves into the creator’s economy. This is an opportunity for individual journalists to monetize their fan barks have a way to go directly to the people who want to read their content.

That’s Facebook Bulletin Theverge coverage upon the new tool!

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